Most forms of interpersonal violence are illegal under Tennessee law. Police officers may arrest anyone facing credible accusations of physical violence. They can act due to the intervention of third parties or complaints made by someone injured by another person....
Domestic Assault
What is considered aggravated domestic assault in Tennessee?
Tennessee law establishes numerous different types of assaultive offenses. Simple assault is the most basic, and there are other, more serious forms of assault that result in different penalties than simple assault. Domestic assault generally carries significant...
Is it possible to contest a restraining order?
Situations can become quite tense at the end of interpersonal relationships. Intimate partners may become more emotional and aggressive toward one another, which may increase the frequency and intensity of altercations. If one partner wants the relationship to...
When your neighbor calls the police, someone may go to jail
Your neighbors probably mean well, even if they cause legal problems for you. Maybe you know them closely, so they worry about you when something sounds wrong at your house. Maybe you only ever see them to wave in passing as you roll out your trash canisters for...